AAMI programmes fall in three categories:

Agribusiness Management Programmes (Management Specific)

Transforming Africa’s agribusiness industry requires the development of transformational leaders. Many agribusinesses lack the management capacity to take the critical decisions needed to overcome the challenges that confront them and fail to take advantage of the opportunities that exist thereof.

Our management trainings are developed using the CBT training modules that use case studies developed by the International Food Policy Research (IFPRI) after a survey of some selected African Agribusinesses and facilitated by a faculty of industry experts. A very important aspect of the AgBM programme is the field or industry visit which provides the opportunity for participants to interact with different layers of industry managers and to see first hand what has been spoken about in the training

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Agribusiness Short Courses (Industry Specific)

Several challenges confront the agribusiness industry in Africa. AAMI has a faculty of experienced facilitators with outstanding experience in Africa and other parts of the world. By bringing participants from different parts of the continent with experiences from different commodity chains , AAMI encourages cross-learning and experience sharing.

All our short courses are developed using the CBT training approach which ensures that our trainees actively participate in the learning process to achieve defined learned objectives.

By these trainings: AAMI seeks to enable our training participants:

  1. Understand markets.
  2. Understand supply chains in Africa.
  3. Understand the forces that underlie agribusiness investments on the continent.
  4. Understand the process of enhancing supply chain efficiencies.
  5. Understand the social, economic and environmental paradigms shaping agribusiness in Africa.

AAMI’s short courses are much tailored towards skill development rather than being management focused and thus suitable for entrepreneurs, middle management and operational staff.

Customized Agribusiness Programmes (Firm Specific)

AAMI customized training module comprise of  certified modules that deliver results. We appreciate that businesses have unique capacity challenges that require customized solutions to address specific needs and learning objectives.

We work through a participatory and bottom-up process in the identification and formulation of training programs to meet organizational needs i.e. employee performance, improving through-put, improving organizational communication and developing specific levels of leaders.

AAMI’s Approach to Customized Training Delivery:

  1. Needs assessment.
  2. Definition of training objectives and goals.
  3. Align training skills, strategies & delivery style,
  4. Develop training content, activities/exercises (incorporation organizational culture)
  5. Delivery
  6. Follow up and coaching.

AAMI Customized Training Approach